Lovely Complex

Its me again~

It was quite a time ago that I watched this anime, but I love it to every last bit. It's about a girl who falls for a boy from her class, the problem is that she's like 20 cm taller than him and everyone thinks of them as a comic duo because they crack jokes together all the time. When Koizumi Risa discovers that she and Otani Atsushi the guy she has fallen for have more in common than she thought she slowly falls for him more and more. Unfortunately he rejects her bacause of his height complex and this entire story is evolving around how this will all turn out and if both characters will be able to deal with they're thoughts and complexes. It contains similar body messages like Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge and so that the outside doesn't even matter if you are truly in love with someone. I liked this anime and live action movie a lot, I am looking forward to reading the manga however school is consuming my time and so are other mangas haha. Anyways if you guys want to(and you guys should) then go check it out it's all on youtube with english subs so it will be all free for you and also look at mangafox for the manga :3

Peace & Love,
